Baptême de vol, leçon n°1 : le cockpit ou les indicateurs pour surveiller la santé des volailles d’ élevage
In poultry productions, all flock indicators are essential for health monitoring of thousands of birds. These are determined by direct observation of animals but also by collecting environment data in the farm. The constant evolution of technologies increases the accuracy and the pertinence of these indicators and helps all actors of the poultry sector to detect any disorder as soon as possible. On a global scale, communication about on-farm analysis gives a new perspective for the poultry medicine. Epidemiological syntheses are built for a production or an area. This overall work gives tools to the poultry veterinarian for adapting each prophylactic measure in each context. Today, poultry sector faces several challenges like avian influenza virus or salmonella contaminations. A broad vision on each scale becomes essential for our actions’ plans.
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JNGTV 2015 Page 753
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