Marsupialisation du rumen lors de ballonnements chroniques
L’auteur décrit l’intervention chirurgicale visant à réduire des ballonnements chroniques sur des jeunes veaux. Cette intervention rapide (20 minutes maximum) et efficace présente très peu de risque n’ayant eu aucune complication pour l’instant au bout d’une trentaine d’opérations.
Marsupialization is an operation performed to allow gas to escape easily from the rumen by creating a passage linking the inside of the rumen with the outside environment. Effective and relatively risk free, it aims to reduce chronic bloating in young calves aged between two and six months-old. It allows the animal to start feeding correctly and to grow normally. This paper describes the operation which is rapid, and lasts 20 minutes. A large spectrum antibiotic treatment is used after the operation. The orifice generally closes after 4 to 6 months, but it can remain patent throughout the life of the animal. No complications have been observed after approximately thirty operations.
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27 janvier 2025
5 jours
Bovin laitier · Bovin viande · Bovins