On Farm Management of Cryptosporidiosis : transmission routes, impact and options for treatment and prevention
Cryptosporidium parvum infection in ruminants is a major concern for livestock farmers causing both animal welfare issues and economic costs and losses to the farmers. In 2018, loses in France due to cryptosporidiosis for dairy farmers were calculated to be €43.83 per diarrhoeic calf. Furthermore, a study in beef cattle in Scotland, has shown that animals, which had clinical signs of cryptosporidiosis, had a reduction in growth rates, and by 6 months of age calves were on average 34Kg lighter than comparable unaffected animals. The reduced carcass weight is equivalent to a loss of approximately €150 per affected calf. Cryptosporidium parvum is widespread in Europe with a reported prevalence of 23.0% in dairy calves. This presentation will provide data on the biology, epidemiology and transmission routes of the parasite, as well as farm based strategies that can assist farmers and veterinarians to manage cryptosporidiosis.
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Bulletin n°98 Page 45
Bovins · Caprins · Ovins · Chirurgie
Thoracocentèse et pose d’un drain thoracique chez les bovins
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