Répartition étiologique des mammites sévères bovines Analyse des enregistrements de 20 établissements de soins vétérinaires répartis dans toute la France
Studies into the aetiology of mastitis usually present general results, with no indication of differences between the clinics where mastitis was identified. There are very few studies on the specific aetiology of severe mastitis and, in France, only the aetiological results obtained during clinical trials are available. In addition, the number of milk samples analysed from cows with mastitis is always low. Veterinary care centres (VCCs) carry out the identification of the bacteria involved in bovine mastitis and the number of tests has been increasing in recent years. Often the centres use the same testing method (known as Patho 12). This study, based on records from around twenty VCCs and covering more than 2 000 cases of severe mastitis, has established the predominant aetiological role of E. coli. This information is essential for practitioners in order for them to quickly implement the most appropriate treatment, which will therefore be the most effective.
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