Survenue brutale de troubles oculaires en troupeau caprin : analyse étiologique et conduite à tenir
Une introduction de nouvelles chèvres naines dans un petit troupeau familial déclenche des troubles oculaires importants sur 10 chèvres autochtones en 48 heures. La recherche étiologique de ces problèmes, qui se sont assez vite résolus, permet de balayer l’ éventail des maladies qui menacent les troupeaux de petits ruminants.
In addition, field conditions sometimes prevent the easy and safe use of equipment, which can be expensive. Finally, economic considerations can hinder investigations and treatments. However, the case study that we present has the advantage of covering individual medicine, herd medicine and possible aetiologies. Furthermore, in goats, as in all other animal species, eye problems can result from general diseases, which must not be missed, since they can jeopardise herd health. Although we have probably not formally excluded all the agents that can generate the observed symptomatology the differential diagnosis is interesting to study.
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N°116 Décembre 2024 Page 11
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